Reviews van deze auteur

child abuse

Review over Tagged

"child exploitation"

child exploitation
We are a group working in Thailand, Philippines and the Netherlands against child exploitation and especially on the social media web sites
Knowing it is not an unknown matter for Tagged/Hi5 we made a further investigation by infiltrating in many groups/profiles
What we found was more than disgusting
Just a few clicks and a teen looking profile, because you can have your profile from 13 year age, turns into a profile linking to under aged porn sites
Most of them password protected, known by those members, mostly Dutch
Hi5 removed one, yes one!!! profile (which was back in less than 12 hours under almost the same name) from the 150 we investigated and find proof from child abuse, because there was a child picture directly on that Tagged profile
All the others, more than 150 with hidden links are not in violation with Tagged and we were told to contact the police instead of Tagged
Fake profiles on Tagged are estimated between 50 and 80 % , sure it is good for Tagged that way
Fake is not a problem for us but child abuse is
Please Tagged care about those children and not about the money you get from those profile owners just using Tagged/Hi5 to distribute their dirty links and pictures

Zwakke punten
no check from profiles even not after proven child abuse
