If there was a competition for the dumbest website design, Lexa would have surely been the ultimate prize winner. This site must have been designed by group of homicidal maniacs.

Why else do they meticulously punishing us for innocent mistakes we make? If you are seeking women and by mistake you entered men then only way to correct this mistake is to delete your entire profile and create a new one. The same goes for your age, etc.

OneHello may be full of fakes but it give you the ultimate navigation experience ? actually according to OneHello there are more women in Amsterdam than in Holland; they create mates by magic! You may not find anything real there but the navigation makes you feel as if you were strolling leisurely on Champs-Elysées. Well, not with Lexa, here you feel you are trapped in a swamp. It stinks like sh*t and makes you wanting to run away quickly, even at the expense of missing your future soulmate!

That brainless computer at Lexa cares about you, yes it does, it sends you those pointless emails with the photos of potential candidates. You think if you clicked on a picture in the email it will take you directly to profile of a would-be-dream partner. No way, Lexa has seen to it that you land in the middle of nowhere. The experience is so horrid that you hate yourself for daring to click.

These money snatcher at Lexa earn millions each month, so why are they not spending a little to re-design this confusing site? Or do they plan to milk the old cow until it dies of exhaustion.

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